This will be the hundredth post I'll have posted on this blog, and it has been an insane and inspiring ride since my first post.
We've made it through:
- Failures in stranded island fiction
- Short stories about OCD cashiers and mafia geniuses
- Aspiring male models and a young doctor
- Angels crashing into the life of a secretary
- JournalWords that become stranger by the moment
- A maybe not-so-subtle hint of a threesome story
- Gang nurses fighting off perverts
- Lots of stories about demons
- Lists cooked up in minutes
- A wedding phase
- Actually, loads of strange phases.. (can you name them all?)
- Zombies and their evil organization (which hasn't done some evil in a long time..)
- Kinky games
- A peek into the characteristics of a masochist
And a bunch more topics and ideas that I'm definitely going to expand and add to.
This blog was created with the sole purpose of reawakening my adoration with writing my fantasies and creating an outlet to deter my building depression.
Let's just say, it's working. :)
I've worked through some tough times, including some bouts of depression, stress and writer's block, and reacquainted myself with the joys of living.
My familiar positivism is back and eager for the adventures that are bound to come in the future (skydiving, anyone?).
Thank you all who come back here for a read and for those that have endured through the strange workings of my mind. I adore you all! :)
So, until my 200th post, I hope you all enjoy the fantastical, fictitious world I have conjured up :D
Keep cheery and I hope you have an excellent day!
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Your reaction to the story is highly anticipated. I'd love to know what you think so feel free to comment and criticize. (And suggestions are always welcome and considered!)