JournalWord: Burned out from revenge.
The sky is a sea filled with stars, and he is the one fading sparkle in the depths, drowning in his own ambitions. The fire of his bitter regrets creep higher and higher, burning his flesh and blackening the edges of what little twisted soul he has been trying to salvage.
It’s too beautiful a sight for something so tragic. Gazes are drawn away, in frequent intervals to document the destruction’s progress. The focus is on the tip of the blind side, just enough to watch the spectacular show.
There is no applause, much less a sound to forgive. The crackling of the embers is enough to convey any last words. The flames welcome back their devil, releasing fireworks to the lowering sun as a reward.
The horizon blinks it’s last wink of sunshine for the day and everything disperses. Coals glow, in solemn satisfaction, and the ashes flutter in the dead air, floating upwards toward the stars. They spend the night searching for a star that has burned itself out.
What others would see of a man after he has accomplished his revenge.
I'm also on FictionPress now, so if you're on there as well, I'd love to read your stories :)
I'll be posting the stories from here there, but all my stories will originate from here (this is my original home and I'm not straying!).
I'm also on FictionPress now, so if you're on there as well, I'd love to read your stories :)
I'll be posting the stories from here there, but all my stories will originate from here (this is my original home and I'm not straying!).
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